
permanent lifting of the working process of introduction

Magnetic lifter in the lifting process used for holding iron material plate-shaped or cylindrical workpiece, with a compact structure, convenient operation, strong retention, safety and reliability

Will help improve labor efficiency, so in factories, docks, warehouses and transportation industry, has been widely used as a lifting tool. Its main work process

As follows:
Permanent lifting high-performance tube magnets permanent magnetic materials, produced in a strong magnetic holding force, which means turning the handle makes lifting spindle pole at work

For on or off state, without external power supply. When the jack is in working condition, lifting the bottom of attracting face constitutes a pair of longitudinal magnetic poles, the iron material of the workpiece

Solid sorption, surface sorption system also has a V-groove, so you can suck the workpiece holding plate with circular columns holding the workpiece can be sucked.

