
permanent lifting applications require attention of the local

Permanent lifting in applications, there are many caveats, the slightest mistake will have a serious error:
1, the permanent lifting of the structure there is a fall protection measures, high operating signal transduction clear.
2, wind cable Shengan whole neodymium magnets coefficient of not less than 3.5 times.
3, each hanging by the test pilot before the job is not lifting crane weight of the object is unknown.
4, permanent lifting the approved design calculations.
5, the operating personnel and the seat belt seatbelt securely suspension points, a dedicated staff up and down ladders, ramps, lifting operations personnel have a reliable footing; without overloading for

Industry conditions.
6, the operating platform planks covered; object stack does not exceed the specified height.
7, the magnetic lifter lifting operations by the higher authorities.

