
amel pipe separator

1 application of a magnetic plate separation system.
2 magnetic board can be customized according to customer requirements, the use of rare earth permanent magnet or ferrite magnets, magnet drawers pipe casing material can be used 304 or 316 stainless steel.
3 bevel design can promote material directly impact the magnetic plate to prevent material build-caking bypass, or even split the already caking materials, increase the separation efficiency.
4 Simple structure, clean and easy installation.
5 Import and Export, or other special requirements can be customized according to customer.
Camel pipe separator in a closed magnetic lifterproduction lines, clear gravity flow or wind sent the material in the iron, iron and other ferromagnetic impurities to ensure that the material in the depot before cleaning, the next process or to protect the safety of the device.
Half Pipe separator hump:
Semi hump pipeline separator is magnetic lift mainly used in highly constrained situations.


Magnetic Trap

Permanent lifting in applications, there are many caveats, the slightest mistake will have a serious error:
1, the permanent lifting of the structure there is a fall protection measures, high operating signal transduction
2, wind cable Shengan whole coefficient of not less than 3.5 times.Magnetic Grate
3, each hanging by the test pilot before the job is not lifting crane weight of the object is unknown.
4, permanent lifting the approved design calculations.
5, the operating personnel and the seat belt seatbelt securely suspension points, a dedicated staff up and down
ladders, ramps, lifting operations personnel have a reliable footing; without overloading operating conditions.Magnetic Plate
6, the operating platform planks covered; object stack does not exceed the specified height.
7, the magnetic lifter lifting operations by the higher authorities.suspension magnet


Magnet Use

Magnet in use should pay attention to several key factors:
1 magnet normal ambient temperature is the number! Temperatures will affect the magnetic force attenuation
NdFeB different materials have different temperature index! magnetic tray
(2) whether the use of the magnet will be exposed to some of the corrosive liquid. Magnet direct contact with

corrosive liquid will produce oxidation and magnetic decay Magnet Tube
3 the performance of the same size magnet larger the area, the stronger absorption. Rally will be stronger.



trap magnets can generate a magnetic field of an object, as a magnetic dipole, to attract ferromagnetic material such as iron, nickel, cobalt and other metals. Poles are judged by a thread hanging magnet, pointing to the north magnetic pole is called North Pole or N-pole finger, pointing to the south pole as a guide pole or S pole. (If you want to become a big magnet Earth is currently Earth's magnetic north pole is N pole, the geomagnetic South Pole is the S pole.) magnet tubes is different poles attract, with the exclusion pole. And refers to the Arctic polar attraction guide, guide pole and guide poles repel, repel finger Arctic and Arctic finger.


Magnetic Sauger Fehlerdetektionsverfahren

Wie Magnetic Sauger Saug unten zu lösen, habe ich euch erklärt , dann ist heute werde ich Sie über Magnetic Sauger Fehlererkennung MAG magnetfiltergeben

Methoden .

Magnetspannfehlerdetektionsverfahrenist wie folgt:

1. Zuerst Magnetspannfutter Sichtprüfung, Dichtheitsprüfung ist gut.

(2) mit einem Multimeter Widerstandsprofil , gemessen R3 Schleife normal ( Widerstand 500Ω , QS2 sollte "relax" vorhanden, sollten unter X2 zugeordnet werden ) .

3 würde Sauger aus dem Anschlussblock X2 entfernt mit einem Multimeter AC- Spannungserkennung Gleichrichter MAG Keramik-Magneten AC-Seite Spannung führt, ist normal ( 145V ) , wechseln Sie in DC Ausgangsgleichspannung Profil erkennen

Ausgangsspannung sind 110 oder mehr , was das Brückengleichrichter -Ausgangsspannung ist normal, der Gleichrichter ist gut, und eine weitere Prüfung Magnetic Sauger .

4 würde Magnetspannvorrichtungan den Anschluss an X2 (mit Last ) verbunden ist, wenn sie mit einem Multimeter DC- Spannungsprofil in der VC -Ausgangsspannung ( dh Sauger Versorgungsspannung) gemessen wird, ist weit weniger als 110 V,


The classification of product characteristics magnet

Ferrite magnet is a ferromagnetic metal oxide. On the electrical characteristics, the ferrite resistivity than metal, alloy magnetic material is much greater,magnetic plates but also a higher dielectric properties. Magnetic ferrite can also have a higher performance at high frequency permeability. Thus, a wide range of high-frequency ferrite has become weak areas of use of non-metallic material. Belonging to the non-metallic magnetic material is magnetic iron oxide and other oxides of one or more metal composite oxide (positive or ferrite). 800-1000 Gauss magnetic force generally, often used in speakers, speakers and other equipment.
NdFeB magnets are the advantages of cost-effective, with good mechanical properties; downside is that the Curie temperature low point, the temperature characteristics are poor, and easy-powder corrosion, so it must be adjusted to take its chemical composition and surface treatment method improvements to meet the requirements of practical application. NdFeB is the third generation of rare earth permanent magnet materials, small size, light weight and strong magnetic features, is currently the best price-performance magnet, the magnetic circles known as Magneto. The advantages of high energy density make NdFeB been widely used in modern industrial and electronic technology. In the state of bare magnetic, magnetic can reach 3,500 gauss.