
magnetische Trennung Prozesskontrolle

Magnetische Trennung Prozesssteuerungsanlagen vor allem magnetische Verfahren Ablaufsteuerung , trommelmagnet um das Erz Schlammkonzentration , Magnetabscheider Magnet Klasse Wahlkreisebene Steuerung und Multi-Parameter steuern.
    Magnetische Trennverfahren Folgeregelvorrichtung , um einen sicheren Betrieb der magnetische Trennung Ausrüstung zu erreichen, um reibungslosen Ablauf zu gewährleisten. Es besteht aus einem kontinuierlichen magnetischen Trennverfahren Ausrüstung Starten, Herunterfahren und Fehlerbehandlung
Automatische Verriegelung Betrieb; intermittierenden Erz Magnetscheider für die Prozesskontrolle und so weiter. In einem kontinuierlichen magnetischen Trennverfahren , um Verkehrsstaus oder Überlauf Erz, in der Regel meine Ausrüstung in umgekehrter Fließrichtung zu vermeiden
Start, Stopp entlang der Flussrichtung Erz -, Fehler- Alarmsignal und sendet keine Ausrüstung für den Bergbau und die automatische Umleitung zu vermeiden, die Ausbreitung des Unfalls. Um für magnetfilter für flüssigkeiten den intermittierenden Magnetscheider abbauen ,
Wie die intermittierende zu mir Hochgradientmagnetscheider Magnetfeld , nach bestimmten Verfahren erforderlich, um auszuführen:
    (L) , magnetische Trennleistungfür die Anregung ;
    (2) Aufschlämmung in den Abscheider und zum Sortieren zugeführt wird;
    (3) , und stellen Sie den Anschlag für die Bergbau- SchlammrückRührkessel ;
    (4) die Stromzufuhr zu der Magneterregung;
    ( 5) und vertreiben Magnetscheider magnetischen Mineralien innerhalb .
    Und periodisches Wiederholen der obigen Prozedur . Magnetische Trennverfahren Sequenz von der Ablaufsteuerung gesteuerte Umsetzung entsprechend den technischen Anforderungen der Steuersequenz magnetsysteme vorprogrammiert und im Ablaufsteuerung gespeichert
Innen errichtet .


en starken und schwachen Magnetscheider Magnetscheider

en starken und schwachen Magnetscheider Magnetscheider wesentliche Unterschied zwischen
Huineng Netto CBSKC.COM Anhörung : (1 ) Einführung und schwache Intensität Magnetscheider Magnetscheider magnetfilter für flüssigkeiten Magnetfeldstärke Intervallbereich :
ein . schwache Magnetfelder , magnetische Feldstärke zwischen etwa 800 ~ 2000Oe , ferromagnetischen Mineralien für die Sortierung .
b . starke Magnetfelder , magnetische Feldstärke von 6000 ~ 26000Oe , für die Wahl des schwach magnetischen Mineralien.
c . Magnetscheider Magnetfeld , die magnetische Feldstärke von 2000 ~ 6000Oe .
(2) Nach der Sortierung Job-Verarbeitung oder Handhabung von Trocken Erzschlamm Trennung Ausrüstung und in trockenen und nassen Kategorien setzen. Grob oder Schüttgut Fördertechnik , magnetfolie auto Nass- Ausrüstung
Feinkörnige und feinem Material Handling Material . Dann sind die strukturellen Eigenschaften durch magnetische Trennung Ausrüstung für die Feinwertung .


magnetische Trennung Prozesskontrolle

Magnetische Trennung Prozesssteuerungsanlagen vor allem magnetische Verfahren Ablaufsteuerung , um das Erz

Schlammkonzentration , Magnetabscheider Magnet Klasse Wahlkreisebene Steuerung und Multi-Parameter steuern.
    Magnetische Trennverfahren Folgeregelvorrichtung , um einen sicheren Betrieb der magnetische Trennung

Ausrüstung zu erreichen, magnettrommel um reibungslosen Ablauf zu gewährleisten. Es besteht aus einem kontinuierlichen

magnetischen Trennverfahren Ausrüstung Starten, Herunterfahren und Fehlerbehandlung
Automatische Verriegelung Betrieb; intermittierenden Erz Magnetscheider für die Prozesskontrolle und so

weiter. In einem kontinuierlichen magnetischen Trennverfahren , um Verkehrsstaus oder Überlauf Erz, in der

Regel meine Ausrüstung in umgekehrter Fließrichtung zu vermeiden
Start, Stopp entlang der Flussrichtung Erz -, Fehler- Alarmsignal und sendet keine Ausrüstung für den

Bergbau und die automatische Magnetic Rod Umleitung zu vermeiden, die Ausbreitung des Unfalls. Um für den

intermittierenden Magnetscheider abbauen ,
Wie die intermittierende zu mir Hochgradientmagnetscheider Magnetfeld , nach bestimmten Verfahren

erforderlich, um auszuführen:
    (L) , magnetische Trennleistungfür die Anregung ;
    (2) Aufschlämmung in den Abscheider und zum Sortieren zugeführt wird;
    (3) , und stellen Sie den Anschlag für die Bergbau- SchlammrückRührkessel ;
    (4) die Stromzufuhr zu der Magneterregung;
    ( 5) und vertreiben Magnetscheider magnetischen Mineralien innerhalb .
    Und periodisches Wiederholen der obigen Prozedur . Magnetische Trennverfahren Sequenz von der

Ablaufsteuerung gesteuerte magnetfilter für flüssigkeiten Umsetzung entsprechend den technischen Anforderungen der Steuersequenz

vorprogrammiert und im Ablaufsteuerung gespeichert
Innen errichtet .


Quarzsand Eisen -Separator

Quarzsand Pulver Eisenmagnetscheider(von Einzylinder bis vier Zylinder) ist ein trockenes Pulver in einer Reihe von der automatischen Zugabe von Eisen magnetische Trennung Ausrüstung , *** Quarzsand Eisenmagnetscheiderist ein hochfester

Magnetische Trennung Gerät dauermagnete kann Quarzsand in dem Herstellungsprozess des Eisenmaterialsgereinigt Quarzsand enthält Eisenbedarf herstellen besonders hoch, da nur die Rolle der magnetischen Ordnung

Das magnetische Material im Inneren der Quarzsand gereinigt Quarzsand Magnetabscheider, Magnetfeldern bis zu 15.000 Gauss oder mehr, können effektiv entfernen das Eisen in Quarzsand enthalten , Quarzsand zu verbessern

Qualität . Seine interne nutzt eine einzigartige Magnetkreis -Design, die High-Performance- NdFeB Dauermagnetmaterialien für den König Magnetquelle , die magnetische Feldstärke ,stabmagnet  Saug -, Eisen- Absorptionsrate , mit wartungsfreien , spart

Energie, die Verwendung von sicheren und zuverlässigen , einstellbare Vorschubregelung für unterschiedliche Partikel Anforderungen . Unsere Produkte sind weit verbreitet in der Schleifmittel , feuerfeste , nicht- metallische Wahl verwendet

Ore , Ruß -, Lebensmittel- , stabmagneten Futtermittel -, Chemie- und andere Industrien.


Customers are packed checkout

November 1 , Hangzhou Department Store unprecedented promotional effort detonated Hangzhou has long been hidden shopping enthusiasm. 10 am , Hangzhou department store packed with stores in magnetic tools hearing from customers, especially in women , Knitting mall.

To the 17 o'clock rush hour, to too many customers , more than 20 new mall security was not enough , in order to ensure safety, under the City Public Security Bureau deployed an additional 50 temporary Police Association to maintain public order . Originally intended to be held two shows on the square also temporarily change the date , the place vacated let the crowd pass. To 23:30 , in front of the mall is still in a long line for each cashier .

Most of the second floor of the mall clothing women have participated in the " send over 300 260 " campaign, to a middle-aged women's clothing brand for example, the brand coat the hundreds of thousands , many styles priced two or three thousand . In the National Day Golden Week, the brand's prices have been very strong, do not participate in mall activities. And yesterday , before the brand counters also hung out a "full 300 to send 260 " advertising salesperson that ceiling has been sent to the full 1500 1300 . So from early morning start , counters packed with customers. Because the dressing room too crowded , many customers simply try them in place , the scene is a little confusing , the salesperson also acquiesced . A closer look at the original store has long been ready, every piece of clothing arc magnet are commonly nailed a supermarket magnet alarm .

"You use what card ? " "Oh, I did not bring that bank card , or will be more cost-effective ." In front of a crowded checkout payment Baida team, came from time to time like this dialogue. Although the " send over 300 260 " efforts for all customers , but in the end pay for this channel program , is to pay cash or credit card, what kind of brush card , all determine whether to get more concessions .

Hangzhou Department Store , the official said , swiping get additional benefits , mainly for the holding six credit card or bank credit card customers. In the preferential extent, these cards are divided into three categories: Brush Commercial Bank of China ( 3.28 , -0.02 , -0.61 % ) bank cards ( including credit cards and some debit cards , except the smartcard ) , Agricultural Bank of China Loan note cards, bank cards , credit card , bank card GF , over 300 coupons sent to 30 yuan , 60 yuan limit to send coupons ; brush Minsheng Bank ( 5.83 , -0.07 , -1.19 % ) cards, over 300 to send 50 coupons, limit to send 100 yuan coupons, each card once a day ; brush Bank of China ( 3.29 , -0.01 , -0.30 % ) bank cards , scratch cards for over 300 yuan a limit to send 5 .

"This kind of activity , the bank is basically done once a year with the mall . Costs incurred by the coupon banks ." The official said . Customers holding bank card consumption in the shopping malls , banks will charge a fee per over one percentage point to the mall. According to the total turnover cardholder spending two to three percent of the calculation, the bank can charge from a mall fee of several million dollars annually . Now, banks do more to stimulate the credit card user would choose the timing of large-scale promotional mall sent "red " , mainly for credit card , magnetic knife holder debit card users.

An industry source believes that " at least 300 to send 260 " efforts beyond the ability to accept other malls , and only this day, so the mall the other will not easily follow. November 1 , malls have adopted other discounts , Man on the cut , etc., to avoid head-on with rivals .


Powerful magnets can simplify

Powerful magnets can simplify the manufacturing process to reach a smaller and cheaper products , but also can improve the connection reliability and greater design freedom. In addition to television ads, street billboards, transit carriage posters , magazines, paper bags, packaging bags everywhere commercial advertising . Since only a sample model home sales , there is no entity for reference, this time should be to have a reputable construction company as a priority , again before considering other factors. Developed a special vegetable and fruit packing cartons for packaging fruit. Bouncing around in the military community in the past alleys adjoining the alley adjoining the alley , alley bottom is a hydraulic pump springs,Magnetic drum separator afterschool forward to that settlement will Chahu the only noodle shop to eat a bowl of noodles . In the Han Dynasty , when the first manufacturing Luan large pieces shaped magnets, as the court of toys.
My home is the use of electric toothbrushes sealed rubber keypad switch , and therefore it will not be long-term use by the switch at the seepage failure. Is a cross-media information and communication technology field , integrated provider of products and services for the global press, publishing, printing supplier. Old compressor actually on fire, let the factory suffered heavy losses , but there are people hospital treatment. Silicone rubber has good elasticity , heat, cold , insulation and other features, is a very good material . The key factor in this part of the development of the number of vehicles and aluminum mold production technology , mold development requires capital investment, aluminum production and high technical difficulty . Of Asia in recent years, also actively towards high value-added products and optoelectronics industry with tape and PE film development .

With more PP packaging boxes, printed above the picture has become increasingly diverse, take your pick , pack your satisfaction. There is a free 3D modeling software is easy to use , Smco magnet and there are high- quality animation output. He once invited production companies should be facilitated stickers to make convenient public space sticker .

Before working at the library , so there are operating over labeling machines, in fact, is also full of fun. Some people even use thin drape heavy objects produce architectural appearance model upside down , is really special. Japanese-style building with wind design concept , the use of wood combined with powerful magnets , simple and natural. But I did not expect that, when the air conditioning manufacturers claim to have returned in original packaging tray. To hide the speakers in the form of speakers to create a variety of shapes , including styrofoam boxes, cartons assembling.

New this year, berry red , blue and other bright colors, internal magnet assembly . I did not know what is OPP bag, and then I was loaded candy bag. Engaged in cutting or drilling acrylic plate stack , it is recommended between the plates in acrylic . Accumulated revenue 648 million yuan in the first half , 55 per cent annual growth , development of mold has reached 70-80 sets. Taiwanese culture largest printing paper supplier , as this section has been shrinking , has drawn up a new plan . For large and small billboards , stickers, plastic plates , acrylic, glass , metal plates , wood , etc. can do color or color printing . In case of accident or who just do not need business cards for data -owned and no pen and paper when it happens , labeling machine comes in handy .

What are the advantages pipe wrench

What are the advantages pipe wrench
Afterburner is scalable type pipe wrench pipe wrench, pipe wrench Afterburner mainly has the following advantages.
1, using high-quality high-strength alloy steel, with a special heat treatment process, small size and light weight.
2, the use of telescopic tube Magnetic drum separator can be selected according to the size of torque arm length, to avoid the multi-pliers exchange of trouble.
3, the clamping performance, high torsional strength, wear resistance and long service life.



 Электромагнитное возбуждение устройства. Вокруг внешней поверхности основной своей мощности в соответствии с проводящими обмотки, этот ток через катушку, как магнит, она

Также называется соленоид (электромагнит). Мы обычно одеваем его в форме полосы или пластины, чтобы сделать основной легче намагниченные. Того, чтобы власть электромагнита Li

А именно размагничивания, мы склонны использовать размагничивания быстрее мягкого железа или кремния стальной материал решений. Такая магнитная соленоид под напряжением, магнитную силу после того, как исчез. Электромагнитная

Железо в нашей повседневной жизни имеет очень широкий спектр применения из-за его изобретение также позволяет мощность генератора была значительно улучшена.
При вставке в ядро ​​внутри электромагнита электромагнита магнитного намагниченность сердечника. Сердечник намагничивается в магнит, так что
Два магнитных поля накладываются друг на друга, так что магнитные соленоида значительно расширились. Чтобы сильное магнитное электромагнита, как правило, сделаны из железа подковы. Но обратите внимание, подковы железа

Катушки намотаны на сердечник в противоположном, по часовой стрелке одной стороны, другая сторона должна быть против часовой стрелки. Если рана в одной, двумя катушками намагниченности основного компенсируют друг друга, так что сердечник не

Замечательно магнитные свойства. Кроме того, электромагнит мягкой железный сердечник делать, вместо использования стали делать. В противном случае, как только намагниченной стали, но не долгосрочного магнитного размагничивания, то магнитное

Сила тока не может быть использована для управления размером, и теряют преимущества электромагнита должно быть.
Можете пропустить ток на электромагнит создает магнитное устройство силы, не является постоянным магнитом, который может быть легко устранены или магнитного пускателя. Например: использование больших электрических кранов

Магнит подъемный лома автомобилей.
Когда ток через провод, когда магнитное поле генерируется вокруг провода. Применение такого рода, когда ток через соленоид будет сделано в однородное магнитное поле внутри соленоида. Ложные

Расположенный в центре соленоида в ферромагнитном материале, то ферромагнитного материала намагничены в магнитном поле и будет значительно увеличен.
Как правило, магнитное поле, создаваемое электромагнитом и текущего размера, числа оборотов и ферромагнитного центра. В конструкции электромагнита, она будет направлена ​​на распространение и ферромагнитный катушки

Тело выбор и контролировать поле, используя текущий размер. Так как катушка из материала, имеющего удельное сопротивление, которое ограничивает размер электромагнита магнитного поля могут быть получены, но с сверхпроводника

Открытие и применение, будет иметь возможность выйти за рамки существующих ограничений.

104, электромагнит классификация, преимущества, применение?


Один из них, в соответствии с действующими точками
1 AC электромагнитный
2 DC соленоидов
Во-вторых, использование
1 тягового магнита
2 кадра соленоида
3 самоблокировки соленоида
4 магнит присоски
5 магнитов ублюдок
Редактировать этот пункт

Электромагнит имеет много преимуществ: можно ли использовать магнитный соленоид выключения через текущий контроль; магнитный размера можно использовать силы тока или как управлять числом витков катушки;

Кроме того, путем изменения тока, необходимого для управления размером магнитного размер, его полюса изменения направления тока можно контролировать, и так далее А именно:. Магнитной силы могут быть изменены

Переменные, можно управлять без магнитные, направление магнитного полюса может быть изменен, ток может быть связано с исчезновением магнитного исчезают. [1]
Редактировать этот пункт

Электромагнита ток магнитного эффекта (электрофизиологические магнитные) приложения, и жизнь тесно связаны, например, электромагнитные реле, магнитный кран, поездов на магнитной левитации, электромагнитный расходомер

Постоянного тока соленоида и электромагнит можно разделить на два основных типа соленоидов переменного тока Если в соответствии с целью, чтобы разделить электромагнит в основном можно разделить на следующие пять категорий: (1). Соленоида тягового

─ ─ основном используется для тяговых железо механическое устройство, открытия или закрытия клапанов, автоматических задач управления для выполнения. (2) ─ ─ подъемный магнит подъемное устройство для подъема

Слиток, стали, железной руды и других ферромагнитных материалов. (3) катушки тормоза ─ ─ основном используется для торможения двигателем для достижения четких целей парковки. (4) Автоматическое

Электромагнитная система ─ ─ таких как электромагнитные реле и контакторы электромагнитные системы, автоматический выключатель и работы электромагнитного соленоида выпуска и так далее. (5) Другие использования электромагнитов

─ ─ таких как мясорубка магнитного патрона и электромагнитный вибратор.

Drum Magnetic Separator,Wet Magnetic Separator - China Manufacturer Mag Spring®

Drum Magnetic Separator,Wet Magnetic Separator - China Manufacturer Mag Spring®

Drum Magnetic Separator,Wet Magnetic Separator - China Manufacturer Mag Spring®

Drum Magnetic Separator,Wet Magnetic Separator - China Manufacturer Mag Spring®

Drum Magnetic Separator,Wet Magnetic Separator - China Manufacturer Mag Spring®

Drum Magnetic Separator,Wet Magnetic Separator - China Manufacturer Mag Spring®

Magnetic Welding Holder, Magnetic Weldings, Welding Magnets - China Manufacturer Mag Spring®

Magnetic Welding Holder, Magnetic Weldings, Welding Magnets - China Manufacturer Mag Spring®


Artificial magnets

Artificial Magnets: divided horseshoe magnets and bar magnets, the most common is that we live in, where the more popular horseshoe magnet. Means the side of a single magnet magnetic magnets weak magnetism other side, the method is treated with a special double-sided galvanized steel side magnets package, and it was wrapped side of the magnetic will be masked to the other side is refracted force, other side of the magnetically enhanced. If the occasion requires only one side is magnetic, the other side may cause damage or any magnetic interference; some occasions, such as a magnet on the box side magnetic only need one side and dispensable, there is no use of magnetic, Such single-sided magnet will greatly reduce costs and conserve magnetic materials. Like single-sided magnet magnetic refraction refraction of the signal satellite pot or pan flashlight light refraction of light, its refraction effect is mainly determined by the following three aspects: 1. Material: material selection and thickness, as well as the spacing of the magnet and the material is closely relationship. Pure iron is easy MFL, with a special treatment refraction will increase, but not 100% shielding material developed, but different manufacturers do material effect is different.

2. Angle: According refraction, curved material works best material refraction angle larger loss.

3. Space: the magnetic field lines in the air as the cell phone signal, you need to have space to refracted. Torch light bulb pot as completely wrapped in, use the effects are bad, because there are plenty of light refraction is loss.

How can we make use of overband magnetic separator the above principle, the magnetic enhancement works best is that many parameters for the best, a lot of manufacturers are doing repeated experiments, such as Xian Guotai magnet factory-sided magnetic treatment best result is enhanced 50% so in areas such as packaging bags will greatly reduce production costs and savings magnetic materials.

Magnets classification

Magnets can be grouped into "permanent magnet" and "non permanent magnets." The permanent magnet may be natural products, also known as natural magnet can also be manufactured by hand (the strongest magnets are neodymium magnets). The permanent magnet, and only in certain conditions be magnetic, usually produced in the form electromagnet, which is to strengthen the magnetic field by the current.

Soft including silicon Grate Magnets and soft core; hard magnetic including Alnico, SmCo, ferrite and neodymium, of which, the most expensive is samarium cobalt magnet, the cheapest is ferrite magnet, NdFeB magnets are the highest performance, but the most stable performance, the temperature coefficient is the best alnico, the user can choose according to the different needs of different hard magnetic products.

We said magnet, generally refers to permanent magnets.

Permanent magnet is divided into two major categories.

The first category
Metal alloy magnets including NdFeB magnet Nd2Fe14B), samarium cobalt magnets (SmCo), Alnico magnet (ALNiCO)

The second category
Ferrite permanent magnet material (Ferrite)

1. It is found in NdFeB magnets commercialization highest performance magnets, known as Magneto, with a high magnetic its maximum energy product (BHmax) higher than ferrite (Ferrite) 10 times or more. Its own machining performance is also quite good. Operating temperature up to 200 degrees Celsius. And its hard texture, stable performance, good price, so its application is extremely broad. But because of its chemical activity is very strong, it must be on its surface coating. (Eg plating Zn, Ni, electrophoresis, and passivation).

2. It is the main raw materials include ferrite magnets BaFe12O19 and SrFe12O19. By law made of ceramic, texture rather hard, is a brittle material, due to ferrite magnets have good temperature resistance, low price, moderate performance, has become the most widely used permanent magnets.

3. Alnico magnet is made of aluminum, nickel, cobalt, iron and other trace metal elements in an alloy. Casting process can be processed into different sizes and shapes, workability is very good. Cast Alnico magnet has the lowest reversible temperature coefficient, operating temperature up to 600 degrees Celsius. Alnico products are widely used in a variety of instruments and other applications.

4. Samarium cobalt (SmCo) overband magnetic separator divided according to different ingredients SmCo5 and Sm2Co17. Because the material is expensive and their development is limited. Samarium cobalt (SmCo) as a rare earth permanent magnet, not only has a high energy product (14-28MGOe), coercivity reliable and good temperature characteristics. Compared with NdFeB magnets, SmCo magnet is more suitable for working in a hot environment.


Drawer principle

Principle 1: Put more than n objects into n-drawer, then at least one drawer in less than two.
Reference (contradiction): If each object into a drawer at best, the maximum total number of objects is n, rather than title set n + k (k ≥ 1), it is not possible.
Principle 2: Put more than mn (m times n) of n objects into a drawer, then at least one drawer of not less than m +1 objects.
Proof (reductio ad absurdum): If each of m objects into the drawer up, then up into the drawer n mn of objects, Large Neodymium Magnets with the title set does not match, it is impossible.
Principle 3: infinitely many pieces of objects into n drawers, at least one drawer with an infinite number of objects.
Principle 1, 2, 3 are schematic representation of the first drawer.

Drawer principle

Principle 1: Put more than n objects into n-drawer, then at least one drawer in less than two.
Reference (contradiction): If each object into a drawer at best, the maximum total number of objects is n, rather than title set n + k (k ≥ 1), it is not possible.
Principle 2: Put more than mn (m times n) of n objects into a drawer, then at least one drawer of not less than m +1 objects.
Proof (reductio ad absurdum): If each of m objects into the drawer up, then up into the Magnetic Grate n mn of objects, with the title set does not match, it is impossible.
Principle 3: infinitely many pieces of objects into n drawers, at least one drawer with an infinite number of objects.
Principle 1, 2, 3 are schematic representation of the first drawer.


Teaching Teaching magnetic plate while driving training applications

Teaching magnetic board act as a "learning platform" role, you can easily reproduce the trainee coaches training scene, commenting and students to facilitate the understanding of traffic scene is mainly used to explain the teaching programs.
In the teaching process, coaches need to pay attention to the following aspects:
1, well-prepared teaching scenarios. Teaching scenarios should be established teaching content and teaching goals, appropriate teaching scenarios can promote coaches made ​​a very good teaching effect, therefore, before class, coaches should focus on teaching theme designed scenes, to a shorter period of time complete the task of teaching, to achieve the purpose of teaching.
2, advance design education scene transformation process. For detailed description of a problem, coaches need to focus on teaching theme design variety of issues, which involves teaching the scene to change. Drawer magnets Coaches need to be a variety of issues, reasonable arrangements for teaching the elements of the scene to transform and transform sequentially, which can be a good way to control the process of teaching.
3, where students actively participate in enhancing teaching to interact. So that students actively involved in teaching, rather than passive acceptance, can produce well teaching.

Period of use magnet

Magnet in contact with the process of the fluid, the interior of the magnetic energy will produce some irreversible loss, when the loss exceeds 30% of the original strength, or the surface of the bag off of the metal, stainless steel tube rupture when worn. When faced with these situations should be timely replacement bar magnet, the Drawer magnets must not allow the magnet has been leaked to continue working. Magnets are relatively brittle, oil coated on the surface, this will impact on the environment. In China, the production of magnets can work under heavy 1-2 years, if it is to work under light load 7-8 years.


drum magnetic separator

Drum magnetic separator, grinder with magnetic separator, magnetic separator tank
Can effectively remove iron in the coolant, no filter consumption. Easy to install, can be used with other forms such as the filter drum (drum) paper filter, flat comb tape over

Filter machine, vacuum-type paper filter used in combination. Magnetic separator can be used according to customer requirements ferrite magnets, NdFeB or Alnico. Magnetic separator shell

Material depending on the cube magnets of high quality carbon steel or stainless steel.
Magnetic Separator Application: grinding coolant is widely used in adsorption separation of impurities. In the painting, phosphating, cold and other industries have also been applied. Particularly suitable for

CNC machine, EDM machine, polishing machine, gear cutting machines, grinders and other produce in the process of cooling liquid iron particles using the occasion.

drum separator material handling ore

The subject material sealed pump is the role of the feeder into the material, resulting in a suitable feed gas ratio, the material starts to accelerate. The role of separator material is separated from the air, and materials

For sorting. The role of air lock is uniform feed or discharge, while preventing air leakage person. Material sealed pump delivery valve when working gas into the tapered section of the tapered section of the cross-sectional

Are continuously reduced, the gas flow rate increases. In that paragraph, the conveying gas dynamic pressure into static pressure. Material sealed pump fan's role to be.
Ease of manufacture of pneumatic conveying characteristics that can achieve high separation efficiency is high on the dust content of the gas, pneumatic conveying energy ball mill structure characteristics and technical parameters, the same can

Direct separation, pneumatic conveying solid particles powder conveying gas pipeline, the rotary valve and the pressure loss is relatively small, no moving parts, so in addition to durable

Grinding of material on the inner wall of the cyclone magnetic lifter adhesion wear or powder, there is no other disadvantages in normal circumstances, theoretically spin.
Delivery chute in the transportation of materials that have a low capital investment, easy installation and so on merit, can adapt to different variations of the venue, the principle use of air delivery chute along the tube

Road transport of materials of a device. The chute currently have a mixed feed type suction pressure feed type, and three do, each in different ways, here we were introduced to a hybrid. For the last

Described a combination of two forms. Suction feed type. Exhaust fan starts, the system showed a certain degree of vacuum under the action of the pressure.
When the wind starts discharging operation, the ball is in the body relatively low negative pressure, broken after the finely ground material with a wind from the spout into the pipeline system consisting of the powder

Machine again after the separation of coarser particles imported into the mill, the material has been milled separated and recovered from the separator. Dual positions mill and after the material through the hollow journal

Not directly into the cylinder interior ball medium, but when the cylinder about a horizontal axis with a rotational speed of rotation of dish start further sorting.
One class to the momentum transfer as the main theoretical basis of unit operations, there are mixed fluid filtration and sedimentation, etc., mainly used in engineering material conveying gas or liquid

Suspension of separation and fluid mixing. Hydrodynamic processes used in chemical petroleum metallurgy food and environmental sectors. Material handling material handling chemical production

Feed mostly gas liquids and powder granular solids. These materials, according to production requirements, followed by a series of chemical machine.
Hot air through a special grinding feed device and material went into the mill, mill operation in the process of heat exchange, dust emissions from the exhaust pipe directly into the ground tail

Anti-condensation into high-efficiency low resistance for the gas separator coarse material separation, the separated gas into the high-voltage electrostatic precipitator dust inside again for purification, the purified

The gas from the exhaust into the atmosphere. Classifier collect dust down, because the square hole sieve has been reached so, so and.
Rotary feed valve way valve slide valve slide valve sanitary butterfly knives Sanitary combination valve screw feeder cyclone filter dust and other products are widely used in stone

Chemical fiber oil medicine and food dyes Paper Power Electronics in the field of powder metallurgy materials production and processing conveyor discharge dust metering and mixing and packaging section to use,

Can be applied to dilute-phase high-pressure low-pressure dense phase vacuum each.
By the lifting device mentioned feed port, into the rotary drum dryer inlet port into the inside of the dryer, the dryer into the drying such as hot air from the heat exchange of the

Barrel plate will be expected to lead to the exit from the import, and then by gravity separator separating the material and wind, if the material was fine granularity to a certain extent; to gravity separator string after

Pick Bag Filter rewinding devices. This dryer installed power, low thermal efficiency, yield large area. Year-old is to process.
Rotary valve feeders venturi duct screw feeders or other feed device, particles are added under the control of the air stream. Pneumatic conveying equipment conveyor line straight pipe bends and points

Flow valves. A cyclone separator on the feeder hopper or silo filter pipe, the granules with flow separation.
Work crew Raymond Raymond Raymond large block of raw materials will be crushed to the required feed size, by the bucket elevator to transport materials to the storage silos, cube magnets and then by the  Electromagnetic feeder to the grinding chamber to the host, go to the grinding chamber where the material in the grinding roller and grinding ring between the grinding, the powder after grinding airflow from the fan to the analysis of sub-machine classification

Achieve fineness of the powder with the air flow into the whirlwind administered send rationale collector, separated collected and then discharged through the unloader is into.
Process materials are transported to the vacuum inlet port continuous bubbling fluidized bed fluidized bed material inlet vacuum conveying production must match, the hot air drying and then purified through the net

After cooling, dehumidification of the cold discharge from the discharge port. The cyclone powder collected back to their section area, powder collection made of stainless steel bag filter, the choice is not

Stainless steel keel, do not use spring-loaded. Thermal processing apparatus body do all the hot air section of the pipeline must be insulated.
Conveying equipment for material handling gas pressure less than atmospheric pressure pneumatic conveying equipment called; pressure pneumatic conveying is the earliest history of the practical application of engineering, the most reliable

The most sophisticated delivery pressure sensor input mode. Kefa low pressure pneumatic conveying equipment mainly used in close-up with powder material conveying transport m, the proportion of materials is not exceeded.

Carried out in a horizontal dilute phase conveying pipeline, the gas velocity should be higher, the particles suspended in the air stream. Gas velocity is reduced to.
With the socio-ecological environmental investment significantly improved in proportion; environmental infrastructure support capabilities significantly enhanced separator similar environmentally friendly products become increasingly popular.

Water is a basic human activity resources, population distribution and production activities to form social organizations will be subject to the restrictions of this condition even decided, economic resources and social capital

The layout of the source with the water situation and then adapt. Historically, due to changes in natural conditions, many examples of the process of civilization. .
Through a nozzle or star acceleration feed valve and mixing chamber unit feed, and then mixed with air sucked along the conveying pipeline to cyclone called Shaq Long gas-solid separation,

Bulk from a low or multi-point upward at one or more points for material handling. Its characteristics are the material does not leak, does not produce environmental problems feeding device is relatively simple.

Pressure blowing system is in the state higher than the outside atmospheric pressure, compressed air or nitrogen blowing pipe, the mixing chamber in accelerated form.
Applied from several to a centralized delivery. Feed point can be one or several, feeding tube can be installed one or several branch pipes. Not only can be several feed materials in accordance with point

Night transported to the discharge point, but also can be several points of the feed material supplied to the discharge point. In the vacuum, the material can easily be inhaled, so pipes at

The feeding device is simple. Hopper port can be open, can be continuously feeding and conveying. Conveying the material in the negative pressure, water easily evaporates.


Teaching Teaching magnetic plate while driving training applications

Teaching magnetic board act as a "learning platform" role, you can easily reproduce the trainee coaches training scene, commenting and students to facilitate the understanding of traffic scene is mainly used to explain the teaching programs.
In the teaching process, coaches need to pay attention to the following aspects:
1, well-prepared teaching scenarios. Teaching scenarios should be established teaching content and teaching goals, appropriate teaching scenarios can promote coaches made ​​a very good teaching effect, therefore, before class, coaches should focus on teaching theme designed scenes, to a shorter period of time complete the task of teaching, to achieve the purpose of teaching.
2, advance design education scene transformation process. For detailed description of a problem, coaches need to focus on teaching theme design variety of issues, which involves teaching the scene to change. Coaches need to be a variety of issues,overband magnetic separator reasonable arrangements for teaching the elements of the scene to transform and transform sequentially, which can be a good way to control the process of teaching.
3, where students actively participate in enhancing teaching to interact. So that students actively involved in teaching, rather than passive acceptance, can produce well teaching.

Period of use magnet

Magnet in contact with the process of the fluid, the interior of the magnetic energy will produce some irreversible loss, when the loss exceeds 30% of the original strength, or the surface of the bag off of the metal, stainless steel tube rupture when worn. When faced with these situations should be timely replacement bar magnet, the Magnetic Drawer must not allow the magnet has been leaked to continue working. Magnets are relatively brittle, oil coated on the surface, this will impact on the environment. In China, the production of magnets can work under heavy 1-2 years, if it is to work under light load 7-8 years.


Teaching Teaching magnetic plate while driving training applications

Teaching magnetic board act as a "learning platform" role, you can easily reproduce the trainee coaches training scene, commenting and students to facilitate the understanding of traffic scene is mainly used to explain the teaching programs.
In the teaching process, coaches need to pay attention to the following aspects:
1, well-prepared teaching scenarios. Teaching scenarios should be established teaching content and teaching goals, appropriate teaching scenarios can promote coaches made ​​a very good teaching effect, therefore, before class, coaches should focus on teaching theme designed scenes, to a shorter period of time complete the task of teaching, to achieve the purpose of teaching.
2, advance design education Magnetic plates scene transformation process. For detailed description of a problem, coaches need to focus on teaching theme design variety of issues, which involves teaching the scene to change. Coaches need to be a variety of issues, reasonable arrangements for teaching the elements of the scene to transform and transform sequentially, which can be a good way to control the process of teaching.
3, where students actively participate in enhancing teaching to interact. So that students actively involved in teaching, rather than passive acceptance, can produce well teaching.

Period of use magnet

Magnet in contact with the process of the fluid, the interior of the magnetic energy will produce some irreversible loss, when the loss exceeds 30% of the original strength, or the surface of the bag off of the metal, stainless steel tube rupture when worn. When faced with these situations should be timely replacement bar magnet, the Drawer magnets  must not allow the magnet has been leaked to continue working. Magnets are relatively brittle, oil coated on the surface, this will impact on the environment. In China, the production of magnets can work under heavy 1-2 years, if it is to work under light load 7-8 years.


Product description and schematic manner magnet

Adaptation: magnetic filter rods (magnet) mainly used to remove powder, granular and liquid or slurry ferromagnetic impurities, widely used in ceramics, electricity, mining, plastics, chemicals, rubber, pharmaceutical, food, environmental protection , pigments, dyes, electronics, metallurgy and other industries.
Product description and schematic manner magnet
Magnetic filter rods (magnet) mainly used to remove powder, granular and liquid or slurry ferromagnetic impurities, widely used in ceramics, electricity, mining, plastics, chemicals, rubber, pharmaceutical, food, environmental protection, paint, dyes, electronics, metallurgy and other industries.
How it works:
Magnet is made ​​of high quality stainless steel and high alloy NdFeB rare earth B values​​, and using a special production method is made. The holder can be combined in forming the Magnetic Grate filter. When the ferrous material through when attracted by the magnetic bar, a substance containing iron magnet firmly adsorbed on the wall, in order to ensure the integrity of equipment and product safety.
Product Features:
No energy, no pollution, can be installed on the production line can be anywhere in contact with the material, space-saving, easy installation, as a magnet NdFeB rare earth alloy magnetic source, strong magnetic force, simple structure, long life, specification style can be in accordance with customer requirements and production scene arbitrarily change the custom.


planar magnetic scale linear magnetic tape and magnetic

f planar magnetic scale linear magnetic tape and magnetic tape two kinds of coaxial line.
Planar linear magnetic tape
The magnetic tape and metal engraved lines have a structure similar to the feet of A and strip aperture similar. Magnetic tape strip is installed with a special metal frame. Magnetic tape the tape-shaped metal bracket with a certain tension to the stress of the middle of the frame or support, the magnetic scale and the thermal expansion coefficient of the machine frame or close to the thermal expansion coefficient. The work head and the Magnetic Grate tape contacts, magnetic tape as a flexible strip, to allow a certain deformation. This magnetic tape can be done relatively long, generally do more than 1m in length. Coaxial linear magnetic tape This is a round rod of 2mm in diameter made of magnetic tape, the head is a special structure, it is the bag in the middle of magnetic tape, the track is a multi-gap type magnetic head in response. The advantage of this structure is the output signal, high accuracy, good anti-jamming, the disadvantage is not easy to do for a long (typically 1.5m less), thermal expansion coefficient, usually applied to small precision machine tools and measuring machines.


Belt conveyors are bulk materials

Belt conveyors are bulk materials, through the installation of the tail bracket separator (ie, rotation of the DC magnet), the material of the ferromagnetic debris being sucked by the abandoned iron ferromagnetic tape to pull debris Remove the drum motor to achieve the purpose of automatic removal of iron.

Separators are widely used in metallurgy, mining, coal preparation plant, power plants, ceramics, glass, cement, building materials, chemicals, food and feed processing industry in the emerging waste disposal industry, also need to recycle waste separator in steel. cube magnets Separators are available at all major steel companies, as well as metal mining, power plants, light industry, refractories and other industries, and play a huge role.

Separators for conveying various industries in addition to iron, enabling continuous suction, abandoned iron.

Press into automatic mode and manual removal of iron in addition to iron, press model can be divided into RCDB, RCDD and RCDE such as several models.


of planar magnetic scale linear magnetic tape and magnetic

of planar magnetic scale linear magnetic tape and magnetic tape two kinds of coaxial line.

Planar linear magnetic tape

The magnetic tape and metal engraved lines have a structure similar to the feet of A and strip aperture similar. Magnetic tape strip is installed with a special metal frame. Magnetic tape the tape-shaped metal bracket with a certain tension to the stress of the middle of the frame or support, the magnetic scale and the thermal expansion coefficient of the machine frame or close to the thermal expansion coefficient. The work head and the magnetic tape contacts, magnetic tape as a flexible strip, to allow a certain deformation. This magnetic tape can be done relatively long, Magnetic plates generally do more than 1m in length.

Coaxial linear magnetic tape

This is a round rod of 2mm in diameter made of magnetic tape, the head is a special structure, it is the bag in the middle of magnetic tape, the track is a multi-gap type magnetic head in response. The advantage of this structure is the output signal, high accuracy, good anti-jamming, the disadvantage is not easy to do for a long (typically 1.5m less), thermal expansion coefficient, usually applied to small precision machine tools and measuring machines.

Compared with the magnetic grid grating, which differs from the same point

Grating - by optical interference and diffraction theory made of sensors. When two identical grating pitch stacked together, while allowing lined constitute a slight angle, this time in the parallel light irradiation, with engraved lines vertically symmetrical able to see light and dark stripes, called moire, so moire of light diffraction and interference effects of the overall results. When moving a little grating pitch, Grate Magnets the moire fringe moves with a fringe spacing, so that we measure the width of moire lined grating width ratio measurement much easier. In addition, since each raster moire are lined by the intersection of many components, there is a lined lined when there is an error when the (unequal spacing or inclined), this error is lined and there is another raster line pattern intersection location will make a difference. However, a moire fringe is formed by a number of raster lines on the intersection, thus a change in the catch position lined, for a moire effect in terms of its very small, so that moire can play amplification and average effect.
    Magnetic scale - made use of the principle of magnetic sensors. Base feet are uniformly magnetized strip. S and N poles are arranged evenly spaced on the strip through the reading head reads S, N pole count changes.
    Grating affected by temperature, the general use of the environment at 40 degrees or less taken with disabilities. (Coordinate measuring machine are generally required in a constant temperature humidity environment transverse measurements to ensure accuracy.)
    Open magnetic scale easily affected by magnetic fields, closed magnetic scale does not have this trouble, but the cost is higher.


Wet magnetic separator

One, binoculars wet magnetic separator: binoculars wet magnetic separator, iron ore is currently used equipment, proper sorting strong magnetic minerals such as magnetite, slag, slag and iron. Wet magnetic separator can also be used in other industries in addition to iron, or iron sand for recovery.

Two, a three-roll tube super wet tube magnets separator: a super-efficient three-roll barrel wet magnetic separator, using our newly developed with high magnetic permeability and magnetic energy NdFeB magnets after magnetization as permanent magnetic source and sorting objects according to the magnetic induction characteristics and actual operation analysis, scientific design, carefully made. A tube three-roll high intensity magnetic separator, optional minerals are: manganese ore, limonite, hematite, goethite, limonite, siderite, chromite, tantalite niobium, titanium, cerium iron mineral, monazite, alabandite, hard manganese ore, manganese ore, rhodochrosite, wolframite, ilmenite rutile, Tie Ying rock and mineral, apatite, xenotime, olivine, germanium ore, sulfur and copper, iron, dolomite, Bastnasite, biotite, epidote, garnet, yttrium columbium ore, serpentine and non-metallic in addition to iron. After the wet magnetic separation, generally can be increased by 10% -30% a taste.

Three, water, elect modular super wet magnetic separator: Water-election super-efficient modular wet Magnetic plates separator, is the latest developed a new strong magnetic separator, once available, will be popular iron ore magnetic separator; This wet magnetic separator is designed for fine weakly magnetic ore separation problem and design, the use of weak magnetic drum magnetic iron, magnetic magnetic roller means to achieve separation of ore sorting. Roll models are mainly classified in two types: a belt-type and high-pressure water demineralization demineralization style. High pressure water demineralization style with a single roll <CGS (N)>, double roll type <CG2S (N)>, three roll <CG3S (N)>; models optional downstream and upstream of two forms; roller magnetic field strength of 7000 ~ 14000GS, is a widely used non-metallic and non-ferrous mineral processing equipment.


Features magnetic grid

Magnetic grid is an important feature of the magnetic scale in contact with the head of the working condition. The working principle of the magnetic grid is a magnetic-electric conversion, in order to ensure a stable head output signal amplitude, given the reluctance of air is large, the magnetic scale and the magnetic head is allowed between a large and variable clearance, preferably contact type. With this magnetic head at the time the gate is at work on the tape pressed into, Neodymium Motor Magnet so that there is not real-time with a surface smooth, the magnetic head and the tape can be a good contact. Linear magnetic grid of magnetic scale and the gap between the heads of about 0.01mm, assembly and adjustment can not be achieved because the ideal state, so in fact quasi-linear magnetic grid is also in contact working condition.Another important feature of magnetic grid is the magnetic scale in a certain tension.


Camel pipe separator

1 application of a magnetic plate separation system.
2 magnetic board can be customized according to customer requirements, the use of rare earth permanent magnet or ferrite magnets, pipe casing material can be used 304 or 316 stainless steel.
3 bevel design can promote cube magnets material directly impact the magnetic plate to prevent material build-caking bypass, or even split the already caking materials, increase the separation efficiency.
4 Simple structure, clean and easy installation.
5 Import and Export, or other special requirements can be customized according to customer.

Camel pipe separator in a closed production lines, clear gravity flow or wind sent the material in the iron, iron and other ferromagnetic impurities to ensure that the material in the depot before cleaning, the next process or to protect the safety of the device.

Half Pipe separator hump:
Semi hump pipeline separator is mainly used in highly constrained situations.

drawer-type separator

1 common type (N-type) (maximum magnetic field 12000Gs) and easy to clean (E type) (maximum magnetic field 8000Gs) magnetic separator drawer to choose from.
2 Import and Export cube magnetscan be designed into a round or square flange interface, you can easily installed according to customer requirements in a variety of pipe.
3 common products operating temperature <= 80 ℃, if necessary, can also provide the maximum operating temperature 80 ℃ -350 ℃ products.
4 Magnetic frame according to customer requirements, providing single, double or multiple layers.
5 drawer material 304 and 316L stainless steel are available.

Magnetic drawer separator is widely used in ceramics, chemicals, plastics, rubber, dyes, mining, environmental protection and other areas, for dry powder, flake,
Granular materials such as clear ferromagnetic impurities, such as sugar, cereals, tea and so on.


directed attracting electromagnet

It should be a suction solenoid,
1, the structural features
(1) Suction solenoid electromagnet according to the principle in an energized state have a strong sorptivity to control objects forward and stopped. The electromagnet is widely used in

Automation online delivery of materials or products controlled items, which can be operated remotely, Grate Magnets the action is simple and reliable.
(2) CPH-type suction solenoid energized electromagnet according to the principle, using a suction solenoid with CEH opposite state work. Ie solenoid de-energized state production

Health strong adhesive force, and in an energized state does not produce adsorption force solenoid. When power voltage polarity is opposite to the normal state, its strong adhesive force will be greater.

The object to control the forward and stopped. The electromagnet is widely used in automation line. As a material or product distribution control element, not only for remote

Operation. Movements are simple, reliable, and long pull work, which can greatly saving, no heat.

2, Applications
Manipulator, cube magnets food machinery, medical machinery, automation control.

· Loss of power suction solenoid
4 Notes
The object is to pick up the electromagnet smooth surface area of ​​the object being sucked electromagnetic greater than or equal to the area.

drawer electromagnet

Electromagnet magnetic energy is converted into electrical energy stuff, according to the sound of the magnetic field generated by the coil is energized made of the principle, in fact, before this discovery Auster energized conductors can produce

Generated magnetic systems, because the magnetic field generated is weak, but later found energized coil to produce a magnetic field. In order to increase the coil of his middle with a magnetic core. Thereby obtaining a

The device is called the electromagnet. Mainly used for electrical control and found ferromagnetic material, such as old mine detectors.
Solenoid with internal core called electromagnets. When inserted into the core inside the solenoid is energized, the solenoid is energized the magnetic core magnetization. Magnetized core also

Into a magnet, so that the two magnetic fields overlap each other, so that a magnetic solenoid greatly enhanced. For the electromagnet magnetic stronger core system usually

Into a horseshoe. But note that the coil wound on the core horseshoe opposite, while clockwise to counter-clockwise on the other side. If around the same two coils on the core magnetization for

Using the offset each other, so that no significant magnetic core. In addition, the electromagnet with a soft iron core to do, rather than using steel to do. Otherwise, once the steel is magnetized, it will maintain long-term

Drawer magnets  and not demagnetized, then the strength of the magnetic current can not be used to control the size, and lose the advantages of the electromagnet should be.


high-speed switched reluctance motor

This work will be switched reluctance motor and magnetic bearings combine the first three degrees of freedom using the double-ended symmetrical magnetic bearing structure, integrated design of the system, the motor rotor stability

Be suspended in the center of the stator, the realization 7.5Kw switched reluctance motor 35000rpm stably suspended operation, the line speed of 141m / s. Switched Reluctance to get rid of common mechanical axis

Order of bondage, Magnetic Grates can achieve higher speeds and power levels, broadening the scope of application of switched reluctance motor in multilevel / all-electric aircraft starter / generator system, high-speed

High-power field has a very broad application prospects.
Description: High-speed switched reluctance motors are involved in motor technology, magnetic levitation technology, power electronics and rotor dynamics and many other subjects of a comprehensive

Works. This work will be switched reluctance motor and magnetic bearings combine innovation and control through body design, implementation, motor 35000rpm high speed suspension. Switched reluctance electric

Machine easy to achieve high speed, high power, suitable for heavy, frequent starting and other harsh environments, but its great speed and power level by bearing constraints limit

The application of the motor system. If the switch reluctance motor using magnetic bearings, rotor suspended in the center of the stator, the stator and rotor without contact, speed, and so on to a higher power can be

Level development, improve motor ability to work high-speed high-power applications, broadening the scope of application of switched reluctance motor. This work is the first dual-ended symmetrical three degrees of freedom

Magnetic bearing structure, that ends with a three degrees of freedom are used to achieve the motor magnetic bearing suspended five degrees of freedom. Motors are compact, shorter axial length of the motor, increasing the

Rotor critical speed. Just one motor design a magnetic bearing, simple structure, easy to control, good symmetry, high versatility for the promotion and application of magnetic bearing has created

Favorable conditions. Three degrees of freedom using the double-ended structures, systems have certain fault tolerance, improved suspension system reliability. This works with permanent magnet bias magnetic bearings,

A permanent magnet to create a bias magnetic field, the quiescent current is very small suspended, especially suitable for some of the power demanding applications. Magnetic bearing controller can be online monitoring rotor

Operation and adjust according to the load suspended rotor position, the use of a bias magnetic field generated by the external static magnetic pull bear the load, so that the rotor is located in the best working position

, Reducing the system power consumption. Meanwhile, to reduce the switched reluctance motor unbalanced magnetic pull to the adverse effects of suspension system, the motor windings are connected in parallel windings

Current according to the size of the air gap is assigned automatically generate passive suspension force is beneficial to run the motor suspension. Permanent magnet biased radial magnetic bearing axial shaft can simultaneously achieve

, Radial suspension, the use of permanent magnets to establish a bias magnetic field, reducing the winding ampere turns, winding space saving, reducing the system power consumption. To achieve the essence of the magnetic bearing body

Correct design, we build an accurate model of the magnetic bearing magnetic precise design. The design method does not require the use of finite element simulation repeated testing, precision high-speed fast,

Magnetic bearing performance guarantees. This work presents a modified three-state sample and hold control strategy to improve the performance of magnetic bearing switching power amplifier, after the introduction of three-state law, electric

Current ripple is significantly weakened, reducing the magnetic pull of the pulse, reduce losses and improve the efficiency of the switching amplifier; almost independent of bus voltage current ripple effects that can pass

Increase over the current bus voltage to increase the response speed, improve system dynamic response performance. Switched Reluctance Motor for a new kind of position sensor fault detection

And fault-tolerant control methods to reduce switched reluctance motor position sensor failure on the reliable operation of the system, and is able to detect a variety of two position sensors appear

Fault, fault-tolerant control to ensure stable operation of the motor continues. This method can improve the motor at high temperature, dust, and other extreme environments, avoidance bit

Position sensor failure magnetic tool holder on the system to produce harm. Using magnetic bearings support the motor, the motor stator and rotor no direct contact, the speed limit is no longer subjected to mechanical bearings

System, there is no mechanical wear, reducing the friction loss in the rotor during operation, eliminating the pollution due to bearing lubricant, eliminating a large bearing lubrication, cooling unit

Position. Switched reluctance motor can move higher speed and power development, improve the power situation in the applicable motor capacity, all-electric aircraft in more electric starter / generator system

Systems, high-speed driving and other areas with a very broad application prospects.

concealed drawer

One kind of concealed drawer, which includes a plastic tray cover, magnet cylinder 2, wooden nest 3 drawers 4. Plastic tray cover one fitted inside the drawer 4. Magnets embedded in plastic cylinder 2

Charge carrier Magnetic Grates sets 1 and can freely slide and incomplete prolapse plastic tray cover a. Magnet cylinder 2 may be different in the external magnet poles slidably inserted under the control of wood or leave the nest 3

In order to complete the process of locking and unlocking.
Description: A concealed drawer, which includes a magnet cylinder and a plastic tray cover, magnets embedded in the plastic tray lock cylinder sleeve and can be set in a plastic tray

Flexible and comfortable in a sliding plastic tray kit finite bit slot does not guarantee magnet cylinder sleeve from the plastic tray bracket completely prolapse. Magnet cylinder with plastic sleeve may need care

Mounted anywhere on the drawer, the drawer according to the mounting structure corresponding to the position of the lock at the same size wood excavated nest. Close the drawer after drawer with an external

Root powerful magnets on the plastic tray sleeve magnet cylinder is controlled by the same principle of magnetic poles repel each other in the plastic tray set into wooden nest magnet cylinder, achieving

Locking purposes. To unlock the outside with a powerful magnet to attract the other pole of the magnet cylinder, making it back to the nest from wood plastic prop sets, that is to achieve the purpose of unlocking.

Locked and unlocked by the user in the process of drawers externally by powerful magnets to control the magnetic field from the outside can not find the lock position, to avoid being pry.
Design, invention, and basic ideas, innovation, key technology and main technical indicators
 As we all know, the drawer is necessary for people's lives, furniture, people's desks, writing desk, wardrobe, etc. are included furniture with drawers structures. People often

Will be stored in a Neodymium Arc Magnets drawer some precious items, such as all kinds of documents, jewelry, important information and so on. But in everyday life that often appear in the drawer to be opened privately

Lead to the object or data loss situation, although we often put these valuables locked drawer, but can not prevent existing types of drawer key was lost due to

Lost, key copy, unlock tools and other ways to take advantage of theft or valuables stored in a drawer peek ... (view more)
Science, nature
 This product uses magnetic fields to control, safe and convenient, durable; locked in a drawer at the same time does not affect the external appearance of the drawer, the drawer can not be sent outside

Currently locked position, security tamper, highly practical, with a high marketing potential.


drum magnetic separator - works
The ore slurry to flow into the tank after tank, the flow of water to the mine water pipe under the action of a loose mineral particles of the state into the tank to mine in the magnet bullet  field, the magnetic mineral particles

Magnetic occur together and form a "magnetic group" or "flux", "magnetic group" or "flux" in the pulp by the magnetic force, the magnetic pole movement, and are adsorbed on the cylinder.

Equipment main structure and working principle:

CTS, B series permanent magnetic separator consists of frame, magnet cylinder, gear, to the mine box, tank and other major components.

permanent magnet drum magnetic separator - Features

1 The same cylinder can be equipped with three types of tanks, to adapt to different sorting process.
2 half countercurrent tank for the ore particle size of 0.5-0mm strong magnetic minerals wet roughing and, especially for large particle size of 0.15 ~ 0mm selection of mineral.
3 countercurrent tank for ore particle size 0.6 ~ mm ferromagnetic minerals wet roughing and scavenging. Especially for heavy medium coal preparation plant recycling.
4 downstream slot for the ore particle size of 6 ~ 0mm crude selection and selection.
5 half countercurrent tank and downstream slot can be used in tandem to improve the concentrate grade.
6 ferrite Magnetic Grate  using high-quality rare earth magnets or composite material made of tube sheet average magnetic flux density is 100 ~ 600mT.
According to user needs, providing downstream, semi-counter, and a variety of different tables and strong magnetic separator. Our products has a simple structure, large capacity, operating

Convenient, easy to maintain.


WEIKER permanent lifting Products:

1 Applications: permanent lifting can be widely used in various manufacturing operations at the scene, warehouse, shipping, transportation, and other places.
(2) Description: This product is the use of high-tech innovation and technology, into a more user-friendly design of permanent magnet lifter for lifting all kinds of flat steel, machinery

Parts, finished products, semi-finished products as well as various types of mold.
3 Product Features:
(1), the choice of high-energy cube magnets materials, smaller, lighter, stronger magnetic force.
(2), without the use of power, a large range of applications, operating more effort, more convenient and more secure.
(3), the safety factor is high and stable, the maximum pull-off force of 3.5 times the rated lifting capacity.
(4), the unique design of the bottom of the V-groove, with the lifting capacity of a cylindrical steel.

a magnetic bar fine solution

A good magnetic rods should do uniform spatial distribution of magnetic flux lines, the maximum magnetic flux density distribution point as magnetic rods filled the entire root, because the general production is on the move

Commodities transmission lines, magnetic stick surfaces should be smooth resistance, does not contain environmentally harmful substances, to avoid contaminated material and the environment.
Magnetic rods work environment determines that it must have a certain degree of corrosion resistance, high temperature resistance, and some situations require a relatively strong magnetic induction. By using

Magnetic sheets of different drum separator thickness can be different magnetic induction. Select a different magnetic bar magnets can determine the maximum magnetic flux density and temperature resistance, generally succeed in regular

Regulations ∮ 25 magnetic rods to achieve more than 10,000 gauss magnetic induction surface models that require high performance NdFeB magnets, high temperature magnetic bar at a temperature of over 150 degrees

These generally choose cube magnets SmCo magnet, but do not choose large diameter SmCo magnetic rods, after samarium cobalt price is very high and a magnetic wand price reaches tens of thousands of yuan,


the use of dry magnetic separator attention

  1, dry magnetic separator belt out. First stop chrome ore and closed Watergate further processing, so to avoid election tank water levels caused by water

     2, ground inspection belt clip and found to be bad, well in advance maintenance work, cube magnets reducing the number of times the belt off.
     3, the production of cylinder should always listen to a same sound (especially after starting to carefully check once), if we find a different sound, it must be checked a single parking

And remove obstacles.
     4, the slurry fed into the separator in, you should first go through a sieve to remove the layer of debris.
     5, to improve the quality of maintenance, so that water impermeable cap.
     6, to prevent the magnetic separator conducted in the case of overload operation, to avoid dealing with excessive belt off and clogging caused by the phenomenon.

the use of electromagnetic vibrating feeder controller

   Electromagnetic vibrating feeder is my company's main products. Companies adhere to the science and technology are primary productive forces, adhere to technological progress, promoting technological innovation. Next

Surface is introduced is the use of electromagnetic vibrating feeder controller:
      1, the potentiometer on the front panel to the left to zero, turn on the power switch, power indicator should light.
      2, move the potentiometer to the right start and gradually increase the electromagnetic vibrating feeder feeding, the feeding amount up to the desired date.
      3, after the boot, if found to adjust the knob to the maximum amplitude of the feeder is still small, you should check on the chassis electric vibrator overhaul with four screws (see figure VI)

Has been released Drawer magnets (work should be released and locked back cap).
      4, shut down temporarily shut down, as long as the knob to the zero position can be, unexpected shutdown or maintenance can turn off power to the controller.
      Through the above description of electromagnetic vibrating feeder believe we have a better understanding of the use of the controller! The philosophy of "quality first" principle,

You provide a reliable guarantee, promote the quality of survival, to seek improvement and hard work in a pragmatic and efficiency. Welcome new and old customers to negotiate business.


permanent magnetic separator complete the job of the specific operation after shutdown

 Separators are widely used in metallurgy, mining, coal preparation plant, plants, ceramics, glass, cement, building materials, chemicals, food and feed processing industry in the emerging refuse

Rubbish processing industry, also need to recycle waste separator in steel. Separators are available at all major steel companies, as well as metal mining, power plants, light industry, refractory

And other industries, and play a huge role.
Permanent magnetic separator separator complete the job after the shutdown of operations:
a, permanent Magnetic plates normal shutdown, emptied separator material, the separator should be in state power.
b, place boot, after receiving the stop signal, no material pending device, you can press the stop button to stop.
c, centralized control is switched on, by the Centralized Traffic Control downtime.
d, shift work before the regional health should clean up all kinds of items neatly stacked to look it up again.
e, using permanent magnetic separator equipment manufacturers shift workers should be carried out in the field, who explained in detail to the succession of clear bumban separator operating conditions, failures and deposit

The problem, in order to staff on duty behind the convergence.
      My company produces the separator line with national standards and relevant industry standards. Its superior quality, reasonable price, perfect service, well off

Households favor, has magnetic lifter been awarded the contract and trustworthy enterprises, the development of broad prospects. Your satisfaction is our best compliment, you are welcome to inquire, to pay

Flow experience!


the advantages of dry magnetic separator

Dressing without water: As the Company dry magnetic separator, so no water, and water-election compared to a non-sewage sludge produced two can save water resources. In GXC-

8180 primaries machine, for example, annual savings of 600,000 tons of water.

Sorting effect: Since Grate Magnets this machine adopts a dynamic magnetic system design, mineral material in the surface of the roller slide, displacement and roll, roller nonstick material is conducive to material sorting, early

Select grade can be increased 1-4 times, once a selection of up to 60% or more grade.

Processing capacity: Since the adoption of wrap-open magnetic system, the material does not wrap the group, no clogging, thus processing capacity, processing a single original primary machine

Up to 50 tons of ore, but also multi-machine tied in parallel, can be doubled to increase production.

Production efficiency: Drawer magnets Dry without water, so you can not water restrictions, perennial continuous production of anhydrous region, seasonally dry areas, alpine areas, the annual

Increase 100-150 days, effectively improve equipment utilization.


Separators technical characteristics

1 magnetic circuit design using computer simulation, large depth of penetration of magnetic field, magnetic intensity, high gradient magnetic field in the working distance to ensure the greatest attraction.
(2) the internal use of international advanced technology, increasing the cooling area, the core temperature, thereby reducing the coil temperature rise.
3 cores with high permeability material (DT4 electrical iron) production, greatly improving the permeability significantly reduced the leakage flux separator, magnetic field strength greatly enhanced.
4 electromagnetic separator plate welded shell with fully sealed and strict air tightness test, outlet box with waterproof protection. Coil class F insulation, excellent insulation properties, while the coil and the shell is made of vacuum filling epoxy glue, high temperature, high humidity resistance, while violent collision. Non-magnetic plate separator iron absorption by the iron on its impact, use of non-magnetic manganese plate as rolled plate, abrasion resistance, impact resistance, good magnetic isolation.
In order to have a reliable Grate Magnet product quality assurance, in a few critical and special process in a rigorous test:
a. welding process:
In the separator assembly process, the welding stringent air tightness test, with 0.7MPa pressure test, put soapy water on all welds, no bubbling phenomenon.
b. the coiled steps of:
Coil wire, you must do the turn insulation test, pressure test on the ground.
Turn insulation test: frequency voltage 550V one minute without short-circuit and flashover
Pressure test: frequency voltage 2500V one minute without short-circuit and flashover
Therefore, I produced the separator in the hot, dusty, humid environment of continuous work.
5 using an automatic correction function drum roll, can effectively prevent the unloading iron belt fast operation easy deviation phenomenon.
6. Separator mostly used in heavy dust harsh environment, it is especially with a full sealed bearing, effectively prevent dust from entering the bearing their harm, improved bearing life and equipment, running smoothness.
7 unloading iron belt all-rubber material, belts and flat belts crosspieces between the use of hot vulcanization molding process, so that the belt running smoothly, reduce noise and prevent ferromagnetic impurities into the belt clip damage.
8 matching control cabinet used in all domestic and international famous manufacturers of electrical components, effectively ensuring the stability of its performance. Enclosure cube magnets protection rating of IP54. Drive motor overload, phase, overcurrent and other mechanical and electrical protection, even if there is instability or separator circuit fault itself and so will not burn drive motor.
9 using natural cooling, air-cooled suited both to avoid dusty environment, oil-cooled oil spill risks exist, and no other additional heat transfer, thermal control equipment, reducing the point of failure.
10 machine optimized design, low power consumption, low noise.


drum magnetic separator

Can effectively remove iron in the coolant, no filter consumption. Easy to install, can be used with other forms such as the filter drum (drum) paper filter, flat comb tape

Filter, vacuum-type paper filter used in combination. Magnetic separator can be used according to customer requirements ferrite magnets, NdFeB or Alnico. Magnetic Separation

Housing made of high quality materials, depending on the circumstances of carbon steel or stainless steel.
Magnetic Separator Application: grinding coolant is widely used in adsorption separation of impurities. In the painting, phosphating, cold and other industries have also been applied. Especially for

In CNC machine, EDM machine, polishing machine, gear cutting machines, grinders and other produce in the process of cooling liquid iron particles using the occasion.
Magnetic Separator effects:
Can reduce the coolant consumption
The cooling pump, tool life increased.
Surface quality Ra value increased by 30%
Continuous work, easy to discharge impurities
Machine maintenance time reduced by 50%
Easy to install and no filter media consumption
Magnetic Separator Features:
● According to the form of impurities in the coolant and oil condition optional roller type magnetic separator and comb-type magnetic separator
● rubber roller type magnetic separator according to site specific conditions and an optional external motor built-in type
● To facilitate the absorption of the magnetic impurities on the surface of the full drop, cot inner magnet type magnetic separator by a strong magnetic force can be designed into the structure of the fade, only the outer cylinder transfer

, Reducing power consumption, energy saving obvious.
● magnetic-type comb-type magnetic separator surface plus optional scraper conveyor mechanism and hydraulic flushing device in order to completely eliminate impurities, debris deposited solve the problem; to better discharge

Dry water, comb-type magnetic separator is also an optional heater level control switch or relay to allow intermittent operation geared motors
● For the convenience of customers using a magnetic separator can be designed into the water on or after the entry of water into the water, the water can be designed around and under the water
● magnetic separator standalone traffic from 25 l / assigned to 4500 liters / min
● Three-phase gear motor voltage is 380 or 220 volts, geared motor according to user requirements placed on the right or left side of the
● PLC automatic control and manual control in two ways


dry magnetic separator related equipment

Wet permanent magnet drum magnetic separator iron ore concentrator is widely used as a separator, it applies to the sorting strong magnetic minerals.

Wet drum magnetic separator magnet structure is divided into downstream accordance tank, counter-style, semi-countercurrent three.

Wet Drum Magnetic Separator in permanent magnetic separation plant outside except as sorting devices, in recent years also used as a filter in front of enrichment equipment to replace the magnetic dewatering tank.

Many different types of strong magnetic separator, according to operating conditions are divided into wet and dry; divided by the magnetic source electromagnetic and permanent magnet; press the device structure is divided into disc, roller,

Flat ring, ring stand, sensor roller and so on.


a magnetic bar fine solution

A good magnetic rods should do uniform spatial distribution of magnetic flux lines, the maximum magnetic flux density distribution point as magnetic rods filled the entire root, because the general production is on the move

Commodities transmission lines, magnetic stick surfaces should be smooth resistance, does not contain environmentally harmful substances, to avoid contaminated material and the environment.
Magnetic rods work environment Neodymium Motor Magnet determines that it must have a certain degree of corrosion resistance, high temperature resistance, and some situations require a relatively strong magnetic induction. By using

Magnetic sheets of different thickness can be different magnetic induction. Select a different magnetic bar magnets can determine the maximum magnetic flux density and temperature resistance, generally succeed in regular

Regulations ∮ 25 magnetic systems magnetic rods to achieve more than 10,000 gauss magnetic induction surface models that require high performance NdFeB magnets, high temperature magnetic bar at a temperature of over 150 degrees

These generally choose SmCo magnet, but do not choose large diameter SmCo magnetic rods, after samarium cobalt price is very high and a magnetic wand price reaches tens of thousands of yuan,

WEIKER permanent lifting Products

1 Applications: permanent lifting can be widely used in various manufacturing operations at the scene, warehouse, shipping, transportation, and other places.
(2) Description: This product is the use of high-tech innovation and technology, into a more user-friendly design of permanent magnet lifter for lifting all kinds of flat steel, machinery

Parts, finished products, magnetic hooks semi-finished products as well as various types of mold.
3 Product Features:
(1), the choice of high-energy magnetic materials, smaller, lighter, stronger magnetic force.
(2), without the use of power, a large range of applications, operating more effort, more convenient and more secure.
(3), the safety factor is high and stable, the maximum pull-off force of 3.5 times the rated lifting capacity.
(4), the unique design of the bottom of the V-groove, with the lifting capacity of a cylindrical steel.


permanent lifting maintenance and safety information

Before you install the product before using, please read the description, including permanent lifting maintenance and safety information, and require special prompts you that the following information

Content is crucial to provide our users carefully followed:
1, permanent magnet lifter lifting mobile use in the process, should avoid contact with the surface of the collision knocked hair to avoid affecting the performance and life. strong magnetic hooks Underside of the best when idle

Oiled protection, wipe with time.
2, please read the instructions before use, explicit use of performance before use. If anything is unclear, please contact the manufacturer to understand to avoid accidents.
3, each part should always check the flexibility to maintain when using flexible.

the magnetic roller Tips

Magnetic rotary drum is a permanent addition to iron device doubles as a drive roller use, can automatically separate the continuous non-magnetic materials on the conveyor belt ferromagnetic inclusions miscellaneous

Quality. This series of magnetic lifter  roll and suspension joint use, you can remove the thick layer of miscellaneous iron. To enable our customers to be able to learn more about the magnetic drum, Xiaobian Summary points

Little knowledge about the magnetic roller:
1, the magnetic roller surface magnetic field span, easy selection. Common type (p) field 150-250mT, special type (T) magnetic field 300-400mT.
2, the magnetic field stability, long life more than a decade, providing eight core magnetic quality guarantee.
3, can be used as fixed belt conveyor drive roller and separator to use.
4, compact structure, easy maintenance, use and reliable.
5, remove buried in the bottom seam miscellaneous iron best.
Meet DT Ⅱ type magnetic drum and DT75 Drum Outline and installation size, easy to use, it is widely used in mining, power plants, coal, harbor, building materials, stone

Oil chemical, food and other industries.


permanent lifting of the working process of introduction

Magnetic lifter in the lifting process used for holding iron material plate-shaped or cylindrical workpiece, with a compact structure, convenient operation, strong retention, safety and reliability

Will help improve labor efficiency, so in factories, docks, warehouses and transportation industry, has been widely used as a lifting tool. Its main work process

As follows:
Permanent lifting high-performance tube magnets permanent magnetic materials, produced in a strong magnetic holding force, which means turning the handle makes lifting spindle pole at work

For on or off state, without external power supply. When the jack is in working condition, lifting the bottom of attracting face constitutes a pair of longitudinal magnetic poles, the iron material of the workpiece

Solid sorption, surface sorption system also has a V-groove, so you can suck the workpiece holding plate with circular columns holding the workpiece can be sucked.

the use of the magnetic drum

Magnetic roller primarily used to remove powder, flakes and granular material in the ferromagnetic impurities. Magnetic roller core using rare earth permanent magnet, in the work area to form a high strength

High gradient magnetic field, magnetic separators the magnetic field strength in the 1500GS-12000GS, completely suitable for all industries. To facilitate the purchase of new customers, small series introduces the use of magnetic drum

Also known as magnetic drum magnetic pulley or bulk magnetic separator. Its internal high-performance hard magnetic materials composed of complex magnetic system, with a high magnetic field strength, depth, simple structure,

Easy to use, no maintenance, does not consume electricity, perennial demagnetization characteristics. Can be used in cement, magnetic separator, mining, iron and steel, chemicals,cube magnets  refractory materials, waste disposal

Management and other sectors of selected iron, can also be used for food, plastic, rubber and other industries of non-magnetic materials separation, and DT-75 type, AD-80 general-purpose fixed belt conveyor with

Using sets instead of driving wheel, or with belt conveyor manufacturing facilities.
Meanwhile, the magnetic roller unique design, durable and stable magnetic field, magnetic adsorption area, no run materials, leakage of material phenomena


to discuss what the purpose of the magnetic drum

Magnetic drum in life everywhere, let us go about the magnetic drum used in any place it.
A magnetic drum for the ceramics industry will porcelain clay mixed in iron removal, improve the quality of ceramic products, magnetic drum with a permanent and electromagnetic two kinds, roller diameters ranging from

Φ600 to Φ1200mm, corresponding strong magnetic hooks walks machine belt width 650 to 1400mm, specification more.
2, the magnetic hematite drum for roasting operation will not restore closed abundant restored ore sorting, to then burn.
3, burning coal, foundry sand, refractory materials and other lines of work required to be in addition to iron.
4, depleted iron ore by crushing or broken in after roughing, eliminate waste rock, waste rock, and at higher levels, reduce the load on the next process.